Friday, February 4, 2011


Jaguar: The Rainforest Animal
Jaguars get their name from the South American Indian word, "yaguara" meaning a beast that kills its prey with one bound. Jaguars have a muscular body with a large head, broad muzzle & powerful jaws but their most catching eye feature is their spotty coat. Jaguars are found in rainforests of South & Central America, swamps, deserts & dry grassland terrain. Jaguars are meat-eaters. They prefer large animals as their prey like dogs, deers & foxes. They bite through the skull of preys between the ears & pierce the brain. Jaguars leap on the prey from the back & bite through the skull, making the prey unable to move. This is done while attacking the mammal. The lifespan of jaguars in the wild is 12-15 yrs,in captivity they can live up to 23 yrs. Jaguars are endangered because of hunting by humans for poaching, deforestation, natural calamities like hurricanes.

Jaguar's Habitat: What do Jaguars Eat? Jaguars live near water; they are good swimmers & their capable of hunting & killing small sized crocodiles.
The food palate for jaguars is wide; it can range from tapirs, birds, sloths, turtles, rodents, reptiles, monkeys, frogs & deer. Jaguars aren't primarily man-eaters & if you bump into one, don't aggravate it or make it feel threatened! Jaguars are known to eat humans when they are anger.
Jaguars face risks due to rapid destruction of their habitat because of deforestation. The hunt for its skin still continues & jaguars lose their life due to poaching. If we dont wake up & do our bit towards their conservation a time may arrive, when jaguars only remain to be a pretty picture in
storybooks with their already declining numbers.

The last American jaguar who was 15 years old living in a zoo died & not by mistake. He was euthanized on a stainless-steel table in Phoenix.
The vet said Macho B's death was "necessary" due to long-term kidney failure. They took tissue samples and there was no sign of kidney failure.
Macho B suffered from severe dehydration, probably brought on by his snaring, anesthetizing, & collaring. Rather than being killed, Macho B should have been given intravenous fluids for 24-48 hrs. There wasn't enough information to support euthanizing him so quickly.


  1. so why was the last one so important? hewas abused?

  2. the last jaguar living in the zoo died and he was really sick but he couldve still been alive if they wouldv'e given him fluids but they didnt so he died and the only jaguars left are in the wild therefore he was abused and it is important

  3. Lindsey, I think your blog is simply just seriously awesome, just esquisitely outrageously done. I think these Jags have a lot of spunk!

  4. yeah they are awesome and have a lot spunk.
    do you have any questions about jaguars ?

  5. i see well that explains a lot. how many types of jaguars are their?

  6. there 4 different types of jaguars

  7. the are mostly located in rainforest of South and central america
